Greek Herb Cosmetics Workshop

  • duration_icon_y1/2 day
  • location_icon_yAthens
Learn about the properties of various herbs and plants and discover how to use beeswax, one of nature’s most generous gifts, in a hands-on experience
  • Workshop Workshop
This exclusive workshop will bring you in contact with the variety of plants and herbs which grow in the country, their medicinal properties, and usage. You will learn about botanical extracts, how and why to use them, and the best ways to combine them.

Most importantly, though, you will be introduced to one of the dearest treasures of the Greek countryside, which is none other than the humble bee’s construction material, the miraculous beeswax.

As the main focus of this workshop, beeswax, in its crude and unrefined form, will unveil to you its key role in diversifying natural cosmetics such as salves, body butters, lip balms and serums.


-Use natural ingredients in a hands-on activity
-Learn about the properties of nature’s gifts
-Create your own recipe
-Take home a unique cosmetic made by you
A 4-hour private workshop including:
  • Hotel pick-up (for hotels within walking distance from the tour’s location)
  • Private services of an “Insider” tour leader 
  • Private services of an Instructor
  • All necessary materials and props for the workshop
  • All taxes

  • Hotel drop-off
  • Visit, guided tour and entrance fees to any archaeological site
  • Personal expenses
Your experience will begin shortly after you meet your “Insider” tour leader, who will walk you to a private space and accompany you throughout the 3-hour hands-on activity. 
Once there you will be welcomed by your host(s) and instructor(s) for the day. You will begin with a theory lesson which will cover the different plants and their properties, as well as various techniques through which they are transformed into final cosmetic products.  
Then you will have the opportunity to formulate your own recipe, using your newly-acquired knowledge, and proceed to execute it in order to create your unique 100% natural cosmetic product which you will take home with you.

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Greek Herb Cosmetics Workshop


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{{ booking.adults }} x Adults • {{ }} x Kids • {{ booking.infants }} x Infants • {{ total_price }}€

{{ tour.title[lang] }}

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  • Available from {{ booking_min_date | formatDate }}
  • Up to {{tour.max_persons}} Persons
  • In {{language.language}} 
  • Available from {{ enquiry_min_date | formatDate }}
  • In {{value.language}}
speach_bubble {{ tour.languages[0].language.substring(0, 2) }}

Tour is going to be in {{tour.languages[0].language}}

{{ errors.first('step1.language') }}
{{ errors.first('') }}
{{ errors.first('step3.adults') }}
{{ total_price }}€
More than {{this.maxAdults}} people? Send Enquiry
{{ errors.first('step5.addons') }}
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{{ errors.first('step5.first_name') }}
{{ errors.first('step5.surname') }}
{{ errors.first('') }}
{{ errors.first('step5.phone_number') }}
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{{ totalPersons }} Persons{{ base_price }} €

{{ booking.infants }} Infants-

{{[lang] }}{{ addons_price }} €

Total {{ total_price }} €

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{{ errors.first('step6.terms') }}
  • {{ error[0] }}
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